Gelato confezionato, cacao, in vaschetta

Codice Alimento206010
English NameIce Cream, cocoa cream ice, packed
Parte Edibile100 %
Porzione100 g
Codice Langual
| A0227 | A0721 | A0724 | A0776 | A0789 | B1201 | C0113 | E0102 | F0018 | G0003 | H0100 | H0136 | H0178 | H0186 | H0227 | H0231 | J0136 | K0003 | M0001 | N0001 | P0024 | R0001 | Z0112
Vedi tutti i campi
Descrizione NutrienteUnità di Misura Valore per
100 g
Min. Max. Valore per Porzione 100 g Origine Dato Metodiche Referenze
Acqua (g)g63.0 63.0ADrying 
Energia (kcal)kcal173 173CEnergy calculated according to Southgate (kcal) 
Energia (kJ)kJ725 725CEnergy calculated according to Southgate (kJ) 
Proteine (g)g (N x 6,25)3.6 3.6AProtein calculated from total nitrogen 
Lipidi (g)g7.1 7.1ASolvent extraction 
Carboidrati disponibili (g)g25.3 25.3CCarbohydrate, available calculated from sugar and starch 
Amido (g)gtr trAEnzyme hydrolysis 
Zuccheri solubili (g)g25.3 25.3AColorimetric method 
Alcool (g)g0SImputation
Fibra totale (g)g0SImputation