Vedi tutti i campi
Descrizione Nutriente | Unità di Misura |
Valore per100 g | Min. |
Max. |
Valore per Porzione 5 g |
Origine Dato |
Metodiche |
Referenze |
Acqua (g) | g | 62.8 | | | 3.1 | A | Drying | |
Energia (kcal) | kcal | 53 | | | 2 | C | Energy calculated according to Southgate (kcal) | |
Energia (kJ) | kJ | 222 | | | 10 | C | Energy calculated according to Southgate (kJ) | |
Proteine (g) | g (N x 6,25) | 8.4 | | | 0.4 | A | Protein calculated from total nitrogen | |
Lipidi (g) | g | 0.8 | | | 0.0 | A | Solvent extraction | |
Colesterolo (mg) | mg | 0 | | | 0 | ZL | Imputation | |
Carboidrati disponibili (g) | g | 1.0 | | | 0.1 | C | Carbohydrate, available calculated from sugar and starch | |
Amido (g) | g | 0 | | | 0 | A | Enzyme hydrolysis | |
Zuccheri solubili (g) | g | 1.0 | | | 0.1 | A | Colorimetric method | |
Alcool (g) | g | 0 | | | 0 | ZL | Imputation | |
Fibra totale (g) | g | 4.3 | | | 0.2 | A | Enzymatic-gravimetric method | |
Descrizione Nutriente | Unità di Misura |
Valore per100 g | Min. |
Max. |
Valore per Porzione 5 g |
Origine Dato |
Metodiche |
Referenze |
Saccarosio (g) | g | 0.93 | | | 0.05 | A | High-performance liquid chromatography | |
Glucosio (g) | g | 0.02 | | | tr | A | High-performance liquid chromatography | |
Fruttosio (g) | g | 0.03 | | | tr | A | High-performance liquid chromatography | |
Descrizione Nutriente | Unità di Misura |
Valore per100 g | Min. |
Max. |
Valore per Porzione 5 g |
Origine Dato |
Metodiche |
Referenze |
Sodio (mg) | mg | 4 | | | 0 | A | Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry | |
Potassio (mg) | mg | 310 | | | 16 | A | Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry | |
Calcio (mg) | mg | 15 | | | 1 | A | Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry | |
Magnesio (mg) | mg | 17 | | | 1 | A | Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry | |
Fosforo (mg) | mg | 106 | | | 5 | A | Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry | |
Ferro (mg) | mg | 1.2 | | | 0.1 | A | Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry | |
Rame (mg) | mg | 0.20 | | | 0.01 | A | Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry | |
Zinco (mg) | mg | 0.59 | | | 0.03 | A | Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry | |
Manganese (mg) | mg | 0.20 | | | 0.01 | A | Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry | |
Descrizione Nutriente | Unità di Misura |
Valore per100 g | Min. |
Max. |
Valore per Porzione 5 g |
Origine Dato |
Metodiche |
Referenze |
Tiamina (mg) | mg | 0.23 | | | 0.01 | A | High-performance liquid chromatography | |
Riboflavina (mg) | mg | 0.07 | | | 0.00 | A | High-performance liquid chromatography | |
Niacina (mg) | mg | 0.73 | | | 0.04 | A | High-performance liquid chromatography | |
Vitamina B6 (mg) | mg | 1.29 | | | 0.06 | A | High-performance liquid chromatography | |
Vitamina B12 (μg) | μg | 0 | | | 0 | ZL | Imputation | |
Vitamina C (mg) | mg | 9 | | | 0.5 | A | High-performance liquid chromatography | |
Vitamina A retinolo equivalente (μg) | μg | 1 | | | 0 | C | Vitamin A activity calculated from retinol and beta-carotene (factor 1/6) | |
Retinolo (μg) | μg | 0 | | | 0 | A | High-performance liquid chromatography | |
Carotene beta (μg) | μg | 6.9 | | | 0.3 | A | High-performance liquid chromatography | |
Vitamina D (μg) | μg | 0 | | | 0 | A | High-performance liquid chromatography | |
Descrizione Nutriente | Unità di Misura |
Valore per100 g | Min. |
Max. |
Origine Dato |
Metodiche |
Referenze |
Acidi grassi Saturi (%) | % | 18.20 | | | | C | Simple summation | |
C14:0 acido miristico (%) | % | 0.1 | | | | A | Gas-liquid chromatography | |
C16:0 acido palmitico (%) | % | 13.4 | | | | A | Gas-liquid chromatography | |
C17:0 acido eptadecanoico (%) | % | 0.3 | | | | A | Gas-liquid chromatography | |
C18:0 acido stearico (%) | % | 2.2 | | | | A | Gas-liquid chromatography | |
C20:0 acido arachidico (%) | % | 0.9 | | | | A | Gas-liquid chromatography | |
C22:0 acido beenico (%) | % | 1.3 | | | | A | Gas-liquid chromatography | |
Acidi grassi Monoinsaturi (%) | % | 9.5 | | | | C | Simple summation | |
C16:1 acido palmitoleico (%) | % | 0.9 | | | | A | Gas-liquid chromatography | |
C18:1 acido oleico (%) | % | 8.2 | | | | A | Gas-liquid chromatography | |
C20:1 acido eicosenoico (%) | % | 0.4 | | | | A | Gas-liquid chromatography | |
Acidi grassi Polinsaturi (%) | % | 72.6 | | | | C | Simple summation | |
C18:2 acido linoleico (%) | % | 65.5 | | | | A | Gas-liquid chromatography | |
C18:3 acido linolenico (%) | % | 7.1 | | | | A | Gas-liquid chromatography | |
Polinsatuti/Saturi | | 4.0 | | | | C | Calculation methods | |
Descrizione Nutriente | Unità di Misura |
Valore per100 g | Min. |
Max. |
Valore per Porzione 5 g |
Origine Dato |
Metodiche |
Referenze |
Quercetina (mg) | mg | 1.55 | | | 0.08 | A | High-performance liquid chromatography | |
Miricetina (mg) | mg | 18.40 | | | 0.92 | A | High-performance liquid chromatography | |
Apigenina (mg) | mg | 19.28 | | | 0.96 | A | High-performance liquid chromatography | |
Polifenoli (mg) | mg | 0.16 | | | 0.01 | A | | |
Fruttoligosaccaridi (g) | g | 18.9 | | | 0.95 | A | Enzymatic | |
Attività antiossidante (mmol) | mmol | 2.44 | | | 0.12 | A | | |