Vedi tutti i campi
Descrizione Nutriente | Unità di Misura |
Valore per100 g | Min. |
Max. |
Valore per Porzione 150 g |
Origine Dato |
Metodiche |
Referenze |
Acqua (g) | g | 70.2 | | | 105.3 | A | Drying | |
Energia (kcal) | kcal | 106 | | | 160 | C | Energy calculated according to Southgate (kcal) | |
Energia (kJ) | kJ | 446 | | | 670 | C | Energy calculated according to Southgate (kJ) | |
Proteine (g) | g (N x 6,25) | 6.9 | | | 10.4 | A | Protein calculated from total nitrogen | |
Lipidi (g) | g | 0.4 | | | 0.6 | A | Solvent extraction | |
Colesterolo (mg) | mg | 0 | | | 0 | S | Imputation | |
Carboidrati disponibili (g) | g | 16.4 | | | 24.6 | C | Carbohydrate, available calculated from sugar and starch | |
Amido (g) | g | 14 | | | 21.0 | A | Enzyme hydrolysis | |
Zuccheri solubili (g) | g | 1 | | | 1.5 | A | Colorimetric method | |
Alcool (g) | g | 0 | | | 0 | S | Imputation | |
Fibra totale (g) | g | 6.9 | | | 10.4 | A | Enzymatic-gravimetric method | |
Fibra solubile (g) | g | 0.61 | | | 0.92 | A | Enzymatic-gravimetric method | |
Fibra insolubile (g) | g | 6.28 | | | 9.42 | A | Enzymatic-gravimetric method | |
Descrizione Nutriente | Unità di Misura |
Valore per100 g | Min. |
Max. |
Valore per Porzione 150 g |
Origine Dato |
Metodiche |
Referenze |
Sodio (mg) | mg | 2 | | | 3 | A | Atomic emission spectroscopy | |
Potassio (mg) | mg | 282 | | | 423 | A | Atomic emission spectroscopy | |
Calcio (mg) | mg | 46 | | | 69 | A | Atomic emission spectroscopy | |
Fosforo (mg) | mg | 127 | | | 191 | A | Atomic emission spectroscopy | |
Ferro (mg) | mg | 2.3 | | | 3.5 | A | Atomic emission spectroscopy | |
Rame (mg) | mg | 0.20 | | | 0.30 | A | Atomic emission spectroscopy | |
Zinco (mg) | mg | 1.2 | | | 1.80 | A | Atomic emission spectroscopy | |
Selenio (μg) | μg | 6 | | | 9.0 | A | Atomic emission spectroscopy | |
Descrizione Nutriente | Unità di Misura |
Valore per100 g | Min. |
Max. |
Valore per Porzione 150 g |
Origine Dato |
Metodiche |
Referenze |
Tiamina (mg) | mg | 0.11 | | | 0.17 | A | Fluorimetric method | |
Riboflavina (mg) | mg | 0.03 | | | 0.05 | A | Fluorimetric method | |
Niacina (mg) | mg | 0.30 | | | 0.45 | A | Microbiological assay | |
Vitamina C (mg) | mg | 0 | | | 0 | S | Imputation | |
Folati (μg) | μg | 32 | | | 48 | A | Microbiological assay | |
AMINOACIDI (% di proteine) |
Descrizione Nutriente | Unità di Misura |
Valore per100 g | Min. |
Max. |
Origine Dato |
Metodiche |
Referenze |
Lisina | | 6.77 | | | | A | Chromatography | |
Istidina | | 2.75 | | | | A | Chromatography | |
Arginina | | 5.64 | | | | A | Chromatography | |
Acido aspartico | | 11.91 | | | | A | Chromatography | |
Treonina | | 3.96 | | | | A | Chromatography | |
Serina | | 6.03 | | | | A | Chromatography | |
Acido glutammico | | 16.36 | | | | A | Chromatography | |
Prolina | | 3.93 | | | | A | Chromatography | |
Glicina | | 3.88 | | | | A | Chromatography | |
Alanina | | 4.20 | | | | A | Chromatography | |
Cistina | | 0.99 | | | | A | Chromatography | |
Valina | | 5.32 | | | | A | Chromatography | |
Metionina | | 1.07 | | | | A | Chromatography | |
Isoleucina | | 5.35 | | | | A | Chromatography | |
Leucina | | 8.16 | | | | A | Chromatography | |
Tirosina | | 3.67 | | | | A | Chromatography | |
Fenilalanina | | 5.71 | | | | A | Chromatography | |
Triptofano | | 0.96 | | | | A | Chromatography | |
Indice Chimico | | 94 | | | | C | Calculation methods | |
Aminoacido limitante | | Solforati | | | | C | Calculation methods | |