Corn flakes

CategoriaCereali e derivati
Codice Alimento003020
English NameCorn flakes
InformazioniFiocchi di mais
Parte Edibile100 %
Porzione30 g
Codice Langual
| A0258 | A0662 | A0692 | A0729 | A0816 | B1379 | C0155 | E0153 | F0014 | G0003 | H0138 | H0274 | J0116 | K0003 | M0001 | N0001 | P0024 | R0001
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Descrizione NutrienteUnità di Misura Valore per
100 g
Min. Max. Valore per Porzione 30 g Origine Dato Metodiche Referenze
Acqua (g)g5.0 1.5SInputation of a component from one or more components in the same food
Energia (kcal)kcal367 110CEnergy calculated according to Southgate (kcal) 
Energia (kJ)kJ1535 459CEnergy calculated according to Southgate (kJ) 
Proteine (g)g (N x 6,25)6.6 2.0SInputation of a component from one or more components in the same food
Lipidi (g)g0.8 0.2SInputation of a component from one or more components in the same food
Colesterolo (mg)mg0SInputation of a component from one or more components in the same food
Carboidrati disponibili (g)g87.4 26.2SInputation of a component from one or more components in the same food
Amido (g)g70 21.0SInputation of a component from one or more components in the same food
Zuccheri solubili (g)g10.4 3.1SInputation of a component from one or more components in the same food
Alcool (g)g0SInputation of a component from one or more components in the same food
Fibra totale (g)g2.8 0.8AEnzymatic-gravimetric method 
Descrizione NutrienteUnità di Misura Valore per
100 g
Min. Max. Valore per Porzione 30 g Origine Dato Metodiche Referenze
Sodio (mg)mg500150AAtomic emission spectroscopy 
Potassio (mg)mg9930AAtomic emission spectroscopy 
Calcio (mg)mg7422AAtomic emission spectroscopy 
Magnesio (mg)mg144AAtomic emission spectroscopy 
Fosforo (mg)mg5817AAtomic emission spectroscopy 
Ferro (mg)mg2.80.8AAtomic emission spectroscopy 
Rame (mg)mg0.030.01AAtomic emission spectroscopy 
Zinco (mg)mg0.280.08AAtomic emission spectroscopy 
Selenio (μg)μg20.6AAtomic emission spectroscopy 
Descrizione NutrienteUnità di Misura Valore per
100 g
Min. Max. Valore per Porzione 30 g Origine Dato Metodiche Referenze
Vitamina C (mg)mg00SImputation
Vitamina A retinolo equivalente (μg)μg288B 
Descrizione NutrienteUnità di Misura Valore per
100 g
Min. Max. Valore per Porzione 30 g Origine Dato Metodiche Referenze
Acido fitico (g)g0.060.02AColorimetric method